Promos Italia is the Italian Agency for internationalisation of the Chambers of Commerce system, a reliable and internationally acknowledged Institution representing 13 of the most active Chambers of Commerce in Italy, as well as the Italian Federation of Chambers of Commerce (Unioncamere) and the regional organisations of Lombardy (Unioncamere Lombardia) and Emilia-Romagna (Unioncamere Emilia Romagna).
Our mission is to support SMEs internationalisation, preparing them to export and helping them consolidate their positioning in international markets. Furthermore, we foster the attraction of foreign investments in Italy.
We have a solid experience, valuable track records and a strong methodology on SMEs’ internationalisation. We are also the main author of the Guidebook for Internationalisation of SMEs published in 2019 by the European Commission and the European Agency for SMEs (EASME), in which we developed a comprehensive methodology to assist and prepare SMEs and for the business matching.
We are active in more than 110 Countries, thanks to a wide international network of relationships and partnerships with Government and National Agencies, Chambers of Commerce, Economic Development and Business Promotion Institutions and Agencies International Institutions and Organisations, Trade Associations, Industrial Groups, and Banking Institutions.